Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Beast in the Middle East: Day 6 ([Parenthetical joke])

At the center of the Israel-Palestine conflict is an issue as old and delicate as a Grandmother's bones: construction. For example, Pope Benedict's visit to the Aida Palestinian refugee camp yesterday should've included a large stage from which he could speak, but the Israeli government prevented it due to a lack of permits. Also, the stage was labeled a security risk because the Aida camp is right next to the 25-foot concrete wall which Israel built on the West Bank. Benedict wasn't a fan of the enormous structure, and expressed his dislike openly, saying, "Even if walls can be easily built, we know they don't last forever. They can be demolished." He then added something about the walls around our hearts, but that's a bunch of new-age malarky which won't offend anyone, so we won't bother quoting it here.
(source= Click On Detroit)

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